Day: September 20, 2022

Airsculpt Vs VASER LipoAirsculpt Vs VASER Lipo

Fat Removal Differences Between VASER and AirSculpt Technologies

Using ultrasound energy, the cutting-edge liposuction technique known as VASER dislodges fat cells from nearby soft tissue structures. With this cutting-edge technique’s help, the deep and surface fat layers may be removed entirely. To get high-definition liposuction contouring outcomes, aggressive yet controlled fat removal is necessary.

 Inspiring and transformational body contouring results that reveal muscular highlights in males and maximize waistline shrinking in women are referred to as “high-definition contouring.”

 Alternative liposuction methods, in comparison, only have a little capacity to remove fat, producing results that are mid-def. These poor liposuction substitutes of today include tickling, water-jet, laser, and classic liposuction. The term implies a revolutionary application of air aid in liposuction, although this is the furthest thing from reality.

The Airsculpt Liposculpture

The term “AirSculpt liposuction” is misleading because it does not refer to a special liposuction method. In actuality, surgeons using AirSculpt do not use “air” during liposuction procedures. A second examination of the AirSculpt website reveals that they only taunt you since the liposuction is done while you are still conscious. For certain people, liposuction can be done while they are awake. Still, compared to VASER liposuction, carried out under general anesthesia, it just denotes careful fat removal and maybe less than ideal outcomes.


Additionally, AirSculpt practitioners only use pulsatile cannulas and lasers to remove fat. They call it AirSculpt. This is regrettably not the case. Additionally, they mocked themselves for not requiring any needles! I’m not sure how they can make this claim when they still need to use a blade to cut a port hole so they can insert their suction cannulas, precisely like every surgeon in the world.

If you are not convinced about the difference between VASER liposuction and AirSculpt, or laser liposuction, I encourage you to look at some before and after results. VASER liposuction results will demonstrate elegant muscle highlights to create masterpiece sculpting expected of high-definition outcomes. 

While awake and having a local anesthetic procedure like laser liposuction or AirSculpt, the results will only be in mid-def. This is because when you attempt to remove fat, your suction cannula will come in contact with the muscle lining, which contains the pain nerve fibers. So, to achieve your goals, you will need general anesthesia if you attempt to remove fat at the most severe degree of high-definition body contouring.


In conclusion, Vaser Lipo is an ultrasound-based fat removal method that maximizes fat viability for transfer to the buttocks and breasts. It is the GOLD Standard for fat removal. Any other system, including AirSculpt, has been shown to provide less impressive outcomes. However, the outcome is determined by the knowledge and expertise of your doctor.